Day 5 – The final day of ApacheCon

The morning began with keynotes from Sebastian Blanc and Bertrand Delacretaz. After that I attended Jean Fredric Clere’s talk on HTTP/2 and SSL/TLS. He also demonstrated the new protocol and the extensions.

Next, got to learn about security lessons from the Deserialization vulnerability in the Java Apache Commons Collections library and how prevalant they are by Tim Jarret.

After that was a talk on “If you build it, They won’t come” by Ruth Suehle. She talked about how UI/UX and documentation can make or break open source projects. She presented various examples of small and large open source projects. She also analyzed Apache Infra’s new website that will be coming up soon.

Next talk was from Rod Cope who talked about the need to build Offline First apps and presented some of the features of PouchDB/CouchDB. I got to learn about the new MongoDB and PouchDB and will try using that for my next projects.

The final talk was by fellow TACer Pedro Giffuni on how his experience with Random Numbers. One specific cool thing I took from his presentation were XORshift randomizers.

And finally, after this we had the TACers meet hosted by Mellissa and Cristofer Dutz where we talked about our experiences at the event.

In the end, I would like to thank the Apache Software Foundation, the Linux Foundation and the Apache Community for having me at the conference. Hope to keep connected with everyone I met at the conference and get more involved with the ASF.

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