Author name: rhnvrm

Was codification of Odissi successful in capturing the true essence of the dance as it was prevalent or even as it was performed​ ​in ​​the ​​ancient ​​era?

The transfer of knowledge required for the continued existence of any performance art requires intense and deliberate training from both the Guru and the Shishya. Through codification and written text, the need to rely on this tradition to study the art form decreases but the difficulty to master increases due to standardization. In my study …

Was codification of Odissi successful in capturing the true essence of the dance as it was prevalent or even as it was performed​ ​in ​​the ​​ancient ​​era? Read More »

yumex-dnf is locked

I downloaded a .rpm and double clicked it to install it and it started yumex-dnf. But for some reason it crashed and dnf was locked. I fixed it using yumex-dnf –exit and installed the rpm using sudo dnf install cacher-1.1.10.x86_64.rpm

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