Creating archive pages grouped by year in Hugo

I was on the hunt to find out how to organize my blog and project archive pages by year in Hugo. After being unable to find any easy solutions I decided I would sit down and write the go template to render these pages myself. The idea was simple, iterate over the list divided by year into sub-lists and render tables, but it turned out to be a bit tricky.


Here is the template, hope it is useful for someone who wants to have a similar page.

{{ define "title" -}}
  Blog List | {{ .Site.Title }}
{{- end }}
{{ define "header" }}
  {{ partial "masthead.html" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ define "main" }}
    <h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
    {{ $prev := 3000}}
    {{range .Site.RegularPages}}
      {{if .Date}}
      {{if gt $prev (.Date.Format "2006")}}
      {{ if ne $prev 3000}}
      {{ end }}
      <h2>{{ .Date.Format "2006" }}</h2>
      <table class="all-posts">
        <td>{{.Date.Format "02 Jan"}}</td>
        <td><a class="no-underline" href="{{.Permalink}}">{{.Title}}</a></td>
      {{ $prev = .Date.Format "2006"}}

{{ end }}
{{ define "footer" }}
  {{ partial "powered-by.html" . }}
{{ end }}

The above template loops through all the blogs (having a date) and renders multiple tables which are grouped by the year. We render h2 tags with the year if the previous year is greater than the current year. Followed by a <table> tag having each next blog rendered as a row in the table. The previous seen date is updated for the next iteration. In each iteration, before rendering the table tag we check if the previous date was greater than the date or3000 (an arbitrarily high year) which we set as the previous seen year before starting the loop, to decide if we want to close the table tag. In the next iteration, the previous year will be the same as the current year, so we can continue to render rows.

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