Containerized development workflow using remote gopls server

If your CGO development toolchain depends on external dependencies such as system libraries, or you want to develop on an older version of go while having a different version on your host, you can use a docker container and mount the source from your host machine and build the project inside the container. This can enable us to have a consistent development environment across various developers and their host systems without having to modify system libraries.

This article is a follow-up to my previous article on using containers to develop on archaic projects that require specific system libraries. Last time I discussed how to create a container having all the dependencies and dev tools installed and use them to operate on the host file system. Taking this a step forward, the biggest roadblock that arises with this approach is that our host machine now loses the ability to run gotools on our source code. That means your editor cannot run any of the tools you depend on to write, lint, or format your go source code.

To overcome this, we can use the experimental remote lsp server feature available in gopls. gopls (pronounced: “go please”) is the official language server for the Go language. With this mode, the gopls running on the host forwards all the commands to the gopls in our container. This way the host system does not need to have any of the dependencies installed and can then use the container gopls server to modify the source in the editor of the host.

Let us look at the Dockerfile for this system.

FROM ubuntu:xenial AS builder
RUN apt-get update && \
    apt-get install -y gcc g++ libssl-dev cmake wget libpcre3 libpcre3-dev git


# Install Go.
RUN wget && \
    tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.9.linux-amd64.tar.gz

# Install Swig.
RUN wget && \
    tar -zxvf swig-4.0.1.tar.gz && \
    cd /tmp/swig-4.0.1 && ./configure && make && make install 



RUN mkdir -p $MY_PWD

RUN useradd -r -m -u $MY_USER_ID myuser
RUN groupmod -g $MY_USER_ID myuser
USER myuser

ENV PATH="/usr/local/go/bin:${MY_PWD}/go/bin:${PATH}"
RUN GOPROXY= GO111MODULE=on go get[email protected]

CMD /home/myuser/go/bin/gopls -listen=":7050"

Firstly, we install all the dependencies and then create a user which will have access to the source code. We pass the same user ID as our host user by using the MY_USER_ID as the build argument.

Then we have to replicate the host path in the container and set that as our work directory. This is a quirk of gopls, if there is a mismatch in the path, the host will communicate the wrong path to the server running in the container and will be unable to find it inside the container.

Finally, we install gopls in the container and then start it in the container with the -listen=":7050" flag.

We will now build the image.

mkdir -p go

docker build \
--build-arg MY_PWD=$PWD \
--build-arg=MY_USER_ID=`id -u $USER` \
-t myapp:latest .

Note, we also create a directory called go which will be the mock GOPATH inside the container.

Now we can expose this port to our host machine.

docker run -d --name "myapp" \
-u `id -u $USER` \
-e "GOPATH=$PWD/go" \
-p 7050:7050 \
-v $PWD:$PWD myapp:latest

Notice, that we also mount the host source in the container with the same path, the reason is explained above.

We must now add the following flag to your editor config along with any other flags we use for the language server to connect to the remote gopls server.

gopls -remote "localhost:7050"

For VSCode, you can add the following to your settings.json

    "go.languageServerFlags": [
    "go.useLanguageServer": true,
    "go.gopath": "go"

After adding this flag, you will now be able to edit your source with all the added benefits that come with a language server like auto-completion and auto-formatting.

Since this is an experimental feature, it might break (a lot). Do let me know in the comments if this was helpful for you.

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