Author name: rhnvrm

What is Apache Allura and why is it relevant to developers?

Apache Allura is a Top-Level Project under the Apache Software Foundation since April of 2014. It powers SourceForge, Open Source Projects Europe, DLR German Aerospace Center and DARPA’s VehicleForge. The most interesting features that distinguish Apache Allura from currently trending Forge Software like GitHub, GitLab and the Atlassian Toolkit are it’s modularity and use of well-known python technologies. It …

What is Apache Allura and why is it relevant to developers? Read More »

Installing Apache Allura on Digital Ocean

Installing Apache Allura on your Digital Ocean droplet is now as easy as typing make install. Apache Allura is a Software Forge that powers Today, I created a Makefile that simplifies the process of setting up Allura on a Digital Ocean droplet. The source code is hosted on and on github. Here are the steps to get started with deploying your own instance …

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